Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I realized something/ Quintessence

I realized that in my stories there is probably going to be a lot of little things, like technology names and concepts that most people cant get from reading my stories. So I think in the process of writing I am going to start explaining items as they come up in my writing.

I am going to start by explaining Quintessence. It is the "magic" in this setting, its similar to like midichlorians in Star Wars in that a specific person's Quint is a measurable value and is biologically founded.I haven't decided on the science behind Quint just yet, but when I do expect another post about it.

Now let me explain how quint functions.
-It is a personal control over something, it can be anything and it is something each person needs to find out individually. Most figure out what their quint is during childhood.
-The "powers" can range anywhere from pyrokinetics, to lock-picking, to levitation of items or even possibly dangerous ones to be used like weapons.
-Technology has come a long way and it can harness an individual's quint and use it in its raw form to perform a number of actions. This works out to lower to total consumption of fuels because it feeds on a person's energy.
-An example of technology with quint would be transportation. Most people get around in vehicles called SOCTs (Standard of Continental Travel). When they get into the SOCT they attach a wrist band that harnesses their quint, and so the more people in the vehicle the less of a strain it is on everyone; and when one person doesn't have enough quint to do something alone there is an integrated electrical system that takes over the remaining power needs.

I will probably post more on SOCTs and PSOCTs within the next day or so. Stay tuned.


  1. Most people figure out what their quint is during childhood? I still haven't figured it out!

  2. Kinda confusing... i'd take them powers though ;D

  3. Hm, I guess it all just about makes sense. A lot of it is kinda the logical thing to think anyway.

  4. So sort of a mix between the force and super hero powers? How are they obtained?

    I always enjoy fictional writing, looking forward to some sweet stories.

  5. I'm pickin up what you're puttin down, bro.

  6. looks like you've really though this out... what sci-fi worlds do you take inspiration from?

  7. @Fuzzy
    They are kinda obtained in the same way of heroes, like people just kinda get it one day, or they do something they didnt expect then work on it.

    I am going a lot on my experience with Warhammer 40k partially because I love those stories and partially because I want to turn this into a table top setting, and just basically any futuristic setting, like star wars, but everything will be more contained to the 1 planet versus whole galaxies

  8. What a nice blog
    And you respond to the comments, very good.
    Keep posting, i'll follow you;)

  9. lol... what? I will be monitoring this blog if just to figure out what you're talking about.

  10. you raise a valid point, but i'm not sure i understand you completely here

  11. Very interesting...however very confusing aswell.

  12. Hmm interesting subject, never thought of it that way. Waiting for more

  13. Some interesting stuff in your blog. Keep it up.

    I'm going to start following you.


  14. That makes sense if you think about it

  15. good read. Definitely explain things as you go, I get lost pretty easily.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. That's really interesting oO Need to find out more about it!

  18. a man powered machine that can move with mechanical cogs, efficient and efficient
    check my blog for sick politics!

  19. Nice update, waiting for more! :]
